I decided to start a series of posts about a software we are developing using Matlab. This program, called JMAN (J-integral calculation method developed in MANchester), allows the user to determine the stress intensity factor from images taken from surface of a specimen. A first version of JMAN was already implemented, see here.
The user starts performing a fracture test experiment and take pictures of the crack zone at different moments of the experiment, then he runs a Digital Image Correlation analysis in order to get the displacement field.
JMAN takes as input the material properties (Young modulus, Poisson ration) and results of the Digital Image Correlation.
In a first time we will talk about how the program works and present some examples based on Abaqus models. Then we will see how the experiments parameters (DIC parameters, camera parameters...) influence the results. Finally we will talk about the limitations of JMAN.
I want to find out MODE 1 SIF using DIC. Can you please help me how to do using JMAN.